Contributors: Stephanie Hanor, O. O. Roberts, Susan Prier, Mollie Schottstaedt, and Jenny Varner
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“JONATHAN VELAZQUEZ.” In UNSEEN: The Hidden Labor of Women, by Stephanie Hanor,
O. O. Roberts,
Susan Prier,
et al.
Oakland, California: Mills College Art Museum, 2021. /catalogue/31.html.
“JONATHAN VELAZQUEZ.” UNSEEN: The Hidden Labor of Women, by
Stephanie Hanor, et al.
Mills College Art Museum, 2021. /catalogue/31.html. Accessed DD Mon. YYYY.
Museum Purchase, Selected by Olivia Olson-Roberts, Susan Prier, Mollie Schottstaedt, and Jenny Varner, students in the Mills College Fall 2021 Museum Studies Workshop, 2021.3.12