Rights and Reproduction

Permission to place images from our collection on the Internet or to reproduce and publish works from the Mills College Art Museum collection must be submitted in writing. Please include the following information with your request:

  • Contact information including full name, mailing address, phone number, fax number, and email address.
  • Indicate whether or not your organization is nonprofit, for-profit, or if you are requesting the image(s) as a private individual.
  • Information regarding the requested image, including artist, title, and date.
  • Preferred image format (i.e., color or black and white transparency, 35mm slide, or 300 DPI tiff or jpeg digital file).
  • Intended use (web, film/video, print).
  • If the image or work is to be included in a publication, include as much information about the publication as possible (title, author, editor, publisher, languages, distribution, publication date, print run/number of copies). Also include the nature or intended use of the publication, such as educational, promotional, nonprofit, or for-profit.

The Mills College Art Museum reviews all written requests, and permission may be granted on a case-by-case basis at the sole discretion of the museum. A usage fee may be involved depending on the type and nature of the proposed use. Reproduction-quality images do not exist for the entire collection. Requests will be granted based on our ability to provide images. A fee will be charged to create new photography.

Loan Requests

Artwork from the Mills College Art Museum is available for temporary exhibition loan, based on the following criteria: condition of the object, the borrower’s facility report, and approval by the Mills College Art Museum director. Written requests for loans must be made at least one (1) year before the exhibition opening date for international loans, and eight (8) months before the exhibition opening date for domestic loans.

All inquiries about the collection should be directed to Stephanie Hanor, Director, Mills College Art Museum, at s.hanor@northeastern.edu.